Monday, January 23, 2017


O me! O life! Of the questions of these recurring.

Of the endless trains of the faithless…
Of the cities filled with the foolish…
Of myself forever reproaching myself…
Of eyes that vainly crave the light…
Of the poor results of all…
Of the empty and useless years of the rest…

The question: What good amid these, O me, O life?

- Walt Whitman

We each travel through life searching for our own identity. Picking up those little things that make sense and resonate with us while discarding the ones that don’t, but it’s not to judge them as right or wrong, just different. Growing up I remember hearing “He who dies with the most toys wins” and chased after this feeding my ego. Back in 2007 I started to realize how silly this sounded when I backpacked across Thailand and Vietnam. So I started feeding my soul by exploring the world and the people in it, learning from them and picking up the bits and pieces that helped complete me. I wanted to go back where it started, Southeast Asia. I mean I love this place, I love the smells, I love the scenery, and I love the people and their way of life. So after a little research I grabbed my pack and cameras and booked a flight to the Philippines. Letting my heart guide me on a new adventure and leaving the endless race behind.

Traveling to the Philippines is actually quite different then traveling to what I call the “Classic Southeast Asia” countries, meaning Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos. When you go to the Classic Southeast Asia countries they are all together, so it is easy to see two or three countries in one visit. The Philippines consists of over 7,000 islands between the South China Sea and the Philippine Sea. Chances are that when you travel to the Philippines you are only traveling to the Philippines, and it is not uncommon to take both a ferry and a plane in the same day in order to reach your next destination. Add in the unpredictable weather to the schedules and it can prove quite tricky to get from place to place. [Begin the Philippine journey]


Previous Destinations
Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam)
The Alaskan Wilderness
Africa (Tanzania, Zanzibar, Kenya, South Africa)
Northwest Asia (Bhutan, Myanmar)
Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, South Korea)
Africa (Namibia, Uganda, Botswana)
Ayahuasca in the Amazon (Peru)
Mayan Cosmology (Belize, Guatemala)

Next Destinations
San Pedro in the Sacred Valley (Peru)
